Comic updates are once a week every Friday until further notice.
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Posted April 13, 2022 at 12:00 am

He absolutely spit in Nathan's food. I wonder when he'll show up again lol

As you can see, there's no color on this page. And there's a reason for that lol. 

SO, I can't make an announcement as of yet, BUT I'm gonna be working on a 2 book project that's gonna be taking up a lot of my time. It's a great opportunity and I'm super excited to be working on it. I should be wrapping up the work on my end by 2024. (Publishing schedules are super long lol) 

I still wanna update my webcomics, and so the only solution to make this sustainable is to stop coloring/shading all 3 of my comics (I'll color them after the book projects wrap up of course~) And just stick to penciling/inking for the time being.

There's still the chance that the update schedule may need to change to less updates at some point this year but I'll keep you posted on that. I'll have more news in the coming future on this project~

Thanks for your understanding and continued support! 

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